He was born in Blitar, 2 0ktober 1973 is Lecturer of Islamic Studies and arabic language in Islamic State University (UIN) "Maulana Malik Ibrahim" Malang East of Java-Indonesia. The formal education is passed; MI Ma'arif II Banggle-Kanigoro Blitar (1980-1986), MTsN Kodia Blitar (1986-1989), PGAN Kediri (1989-1992), Faculty of Islamic education in IAIN Malang /S-1 Arabic Language Department (1992 -1996), LIPIA Jakarta faculty teaching of arabic language / D-1 (1996-1997), UNISMA faculty of Islamic studies / S-2/ master degree (1998-2000), IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya faculty of Islamic studies / S-3/ Doctoral degree (2003 - 2007). He is now being studied at the King Saud University Saudi Arabia on the direction Diblom Ali Teaching Arabic.The non-formal education is passed: Pesantren Al-Ishlah Bandar Kidul Kediri (1989-1992) and Pesantren Gading Malang (1992-2000). His books published such: Interaksi Pendidikan Anak: 10 cara Al-Qur'an mendidik anak(UIN Malang Press; 2008), and Nalar Pendidikan Anak (Arruz Jogjakarta; 2008).